The progress on the city-wide sewer system in Greenview has been slow, but it is starting to pick up steam. The plans have been completed with the layout and the treatment plant and paperwork is being completed. We are currently waiting on some permitting from the Illinois EPA defining the classification of our sewer system before certain things can be completed and the project can go out to bid. With that being said, the Village Board, adopted ordinance #553 on January 18th, AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF UP TO $4,892,000 SEWERAGE SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS OF THE VILLAGE OF GREENVIEW, MENARD COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEFRAYING THE COST OF ACQUIRING, CONSTRUCTING, IMPROVING AND EXTENDING SEWERAGE FACILITIES, AND RELATED MATTERS. A copy of this ordinance was posted in the Springfield Journal Register on 01/24/2021 and can be viewed at Village Hall or viewed online at www.thevillageofgreenview.com.
Once the project has gone out to bid and contracts are finalized, then there will be a “town meeting”, following all state and federal social distancing guidelines, in which the public can come ask questions and view the blueprints.
We know this is not a lot of new information yet, but as always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact Village Hall at 217-968-5314 or a Village Board member.